Managing your Logicly Account ============================= Last updated |today| .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :titlesonly: .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 .. .. image:: images/logicly-login-mobile.png .. :alt: Logicly login screen on mobile device .. :width: 25% .. :align: left Overview -------- This guide will take you through signing in to your Logicly account as well as ongoing password management. For information about Logicly's Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) system, please see Logicly's :ref:`MFA User Guide `. Project-specific instructions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Information on setting up a Logicly account will differ for each project, so please refer to your relevant project guide or contact your Logicly Project Manager for more information: * `PMHC MDS User Documentation `_ * `Registering for the Online Validator `_ ********************************** .. _accepting-invitation: Accepting a Logicly account invitation -------------------------------------- Users that have successfully registered for a Logicly account will be sent an invitation by email and a verification code via SMS. Users will need to accept this invitation within 7 days, by following these steps: .. .. figure:: images/email-verification.png .. :alt: Logicly Invitation Email .. :width: 750 1. Click on the link contained in the email. You will be shown a page where you will need to input the verification code from the SMS you have been sent #. Input your verification code .. figure:: images/account-verify-user.png :alt: User verification enter sms code :width: 250 #. Click **Submit** #. You will be prompted to enter a new password *Please note: This is a single use token - please don't navigate away from this page until you have successfully set your password.* .. figure:: images/account-activate-password.png :alt: Activate Account :width: 750 #. Enter your password #. Confirm your password #. Click **Submit** #. Your account will be activated .. figure:: images/account-activated.png :alt: Account Activated :width: 750 #. Navigate to your apps login screen and follow the :ref:`logging-in` instructions .. _logging-in: Logging In ---------- After navigating to your project's home screen, click **Sign in**. .. .. figure:: images/sign-in.png .. :width: 750 .. :alt: Screen showing a sign-in button This will open a window to log in. Enter your email address and click **Continue**. .. figure:: images/log-in-step-1.png :width: 200 :alt: Sign In Step 1 On the next window, enter your password and click **Continue**. .. figure:: images/log-in-step-2.png :width: 200 :alt: Sign In Step 2 To maintain compliance with current best practices in security policy, Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) is in the process of being implemented for user access. It is being iteratively rolled out to specific user groups. Please refer to the `MFA documentation `_ for assistance in setting up and using MFA. Supply backup email ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. .. figure:: images/backup-email.png .. :alt: Backup Email .. :width: 750 The backup email address is used when resetting your password. If you forget your password an email is sent to both your primary email address and your backup email address. This allows you to regain access to your account in the event that you no longer have access to your primary email address. 1. Click **Set a backup email now** #. This will open the **Manage details** page .. .. figure:: images/backup-set-email.png .. :alt: Setting Backup Email .. :width: 700 #. Under **Manage Security Credentials** there is an 'Email address' field #. Enter your backup email, in the email address field, under **Manage Security Credentials** #. Click **Submit** .. .. figure:: images/backup-email-success.png .. :alt: Backup Email Success message .. :width: 750 #. You now need to confirm your email address. You will be sent an email to the address you specified and an SMS to the mobile phone number on record. Please follow the link in the email and enter the code that was sent to your mobile .. figure:: images/account-verify-user.png :alt: User Verification :width: 250 #. Click **Submit** #. Your backup email is now confirmed .. .. figure:: images/backup-email-confirm-update.png .. :alt: PMHC MDS Confirm Update Email .. :width: 750 #. Navigate back to your project's home page and sign in #. The interface you will be able to access after login will depend upon the project and roles you have been assigned .. _logging-out: Logging Out ----------- Logout by: 1. Clicking on the button to the right of the menubar that says **Logged in as [Name]** #. Click **Logout** from the options that open We strongly encourage users to logout when they have completed their tasks. *Please note - our applications will automatically log users out after 15 minutes of inactivity. You will see a pop up box that provides a countdown feature prior to automatically logging out the idle user.* .. .. figure:: images/account-logout-count-down.png .. :alt: Auto Log Out Count Down .. :width: 750 The login screen will confirm when an auto-logout has occurred to an idle user. .. .. figure:: images/account-auto-logout-confirmation.png .. :alt: Auto Log Out Confirmation .. :width: 400 .. _updating-your-details: Updating your details --------------------- If your email address or mobile number has changed, it is important that you update your account. These instructions require you to have a working login which you know. Ensure you are logged in to proceed. If you are unable to login and need your mobile phone number and/or email address updated to regain access then follow the instructions under :ref:`request-your-details-be-updated`. To edit your details: 1. Click the button to the right of the menubar that says **Logged in as [Name]** #. From the menu that opens, click **Profile** #. You will be taken to the Profile Management page #. Login using your relevant email and password .. figure:: images/account-manage-profile-login.png :alt: Manage Details :width: 750 #. You will see the **Manage Details** page .. .. figure:: images/account-manage-details.png .. :alt: Manage Details .. :width: 750 * To update your name, click the **Change personal details** link * To update your primary email address, click the **Change email address** link * To update your backup email address, click the **Change backup email address** link * To update your mobile phone number, click the **Change mobile phone number** link * Please note: The last section on the page, **Password lifetime**, tells you when you last changed your password and when it will expire. Passwords must be changed every 90 days. See :ref:`passwords` #. Once you have entered your changed details, click **Submit** (Please note: you can only change one contact detail at a time) #. An email with further instructions will be sent from to the email address Logicly has on file for the user. An SMS with a verification code will also be sent to the mobile phone number on record. (Please note: This infromation will be sent to both the old and the new details to confirm the change) .. figure:: images/account-update-details-request.png :alt: Reset Password Request :width: 750 #. Open the email sent from and open the link in the email .. .. figure:: images/account-update-details-email.png .. :alt: Reset Password Email .. :width: 750 #. Enter the verification code you were sent via SMS .. figure:: images/account-verify-user.png :alt: User Verification :width: 250 #. Click **Submit** .. _request-your-details-be-updated: Request your details be updated ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you can't access your profile, contact the `Logicly Support Team `_ so that your records can be updated. Depending on the application you may be asked to arrange for a letter of authority stating the change(s) you require. .. _passwords: Password Requirements --------------------- As required by the Australian Government's Protective Security Policy Framework passwords must be changed every twelve months. If you do not change your password it will expire and you will not be able to login to the system without resetting your password. Passwords must: Use a strong random password or a passphrase. In either case this must be at least 14 characters. Random passwords are best suited to users relying on a password manager as they can be generated by the password manager and need not be remembered. Use a passphrase if it must be remembered. When using a passphrase ensure that they aren't easily guessable by: * Using at least 4 random words. e.g. "magpie knuckle asteroid penance" * Not using a list of categorised words. e.g. "apple kiwi melon pear" * Not using a real sentence in a natural language. e.g. "The quick brown fox" * Not using well known phrases such as those constructed from song lyrics, movies, literature or any other publicly available material. e.g. "super califragilistic expialidocious" Please note: Users will be reminded via an email sent from 14 days prior to their password expiry date, and on Logicly application login 7 days prior to their password expiry - See :ref:`soon-to-expire-password`. If a password expires the user will not be able to access the Logicly application until they reset their password - See :ref:`forgotten-password`. .. _soon-to-expire-password: Password Expiry Notifications ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ As required by the Australian Government's Protective Security Policy Framework passwords must be changed every twelve months. Users will be reminded via an email sent from each day for 14 days prior to their password expiry date, and will also be reminded on application login 7 days prior to their password expiry. It is quicker to reset your password before it expires. Passwords can be reset by clicking the password reset link, which will open This link can be accessed in one of two ways: 1. Either on the password reminder email; or .. .. figure:: images/email-password-expiry.png .. :alt: Resetting Password .. :width: 600 #. On you applications sign in screen beneath the **Sign in** button. .. .. figure:: images/account-password-expiry-reminder-MDS-login.png .. :alt: Resetting Password .. :width: 750 When your profile management page opens, you will be shown this screen: .. figure:: images/account-password-change.png :alt: Resetting Password :width: 600 **Please note:** If you see the message "Password unacceptably weak" after entering your new password, the password is not of sufficient complexity. Please check the password requirements. (Current users have indicated they find it easier to create a password that is 13 or more characters to avoid the complexity requirements). If you receive a message that your current password is incorrect, please reset your password through the link, :ref:`forgotten-password`. 1. Click **Submit** #. You will receive confirmation when your new password has been successfully saved .. figure:: images/account-password-changed-success.png :alt: PMHC MDS Password Reset Success :width: 750 #. Log out of the profile management page #. Navigate back to your Logicly applications home screen and sign in .. _forgotten-password: Forgotten or Expired Password ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ As required by the Australian Government's Protective Security Policy Framework passwords must be changed every twelve months. If you do not change your password it will expire and you will not be able to login to the system without resetting your password. .. figure:: images/account-sign-in-error.jpg :alt: Wrong Username or Password :width: 200 If you have forgotten your password or it has expired: 1. Navigate to #. Click **Forgotten Password** .. figure:: images/account-password-resetting.png :alt: Resetting Password :width: 750 #. You will be prompted to enter your email address or user name recorded for your Logicly account #. Click the **I'm not a robot** checkbox #. Click **Submit** #. An email with further instructions will be sent from to the email address Logicly has on file for the user. Additionally, if you have set a backup email, then an email will also be sent there. #. Open the email sent from and open the link in the email .. .. figure:: images/account-password-reset-email.png .. :alt: Reset Password Email .. :width: 600 #. This will open the **Password reset** window .. figure:: images/account-password-reset.png :alt: Password Reset :width: 650 #. Enter your new password #. Confirm your new password #. Click **Submit** #. Your password will be reset .. .. figure:: images/account-password-reset-success.png .. :alt: Password Reset Success .. :width: 750 #. Logout of the profile management page #. Navigate back to your Logicly applications home screen and sign in .. _blocked-user: Account Blocked --------------- To ensure security, the system blocks users who make too many incorrect attempts to access their account. .. figure:: images/account-blocked.jpg :alt: Account Blocked :width: 200 When this ocurrs, an automated email will be sent to the email address Logicly has on file for the user. .. figure:: images/account-blocked-email-text.png :alt: Account Blocked Email Text :width: 750 1. Open the "Account blocked" email sent from and follow the instructions in that email to unblock your account .. figure:: images/account-blocked-email-image.png :alt: Account Blocked Email Display :width: 400 #. If your IP address is displayed correctly, click the **Unblock** button The system will confirm if the unblock was successful. .. figure:: images/account-unblocked.png :alt: Account Unblocked Success :width: 400 Please note: Reset your password before attempting to log in again - See :ref:`forgotten-password`. ********************************** .. include:: ../support-centre.rst